Hi, I know how you feel. Acne sucks. accutane sucks more though. The methods proven to get rid of Acne for good are on this site. The main ones to do are the liver flushes, and bowel cleanse. I'm currently taking colonix for a bowel cleanse. Bowel cleansing should be done first though. coffee enemas are helpful too. I'm just saying the things I've been doing to make my Acne go away. I still have it, but it's WAY better than it used to be and I've only done 3 Liver Flushes and I'm only on my first day of colonix. I've heard so many horror stories about accutane. It's strong stuff, and it can do some serious damage. Most of the cures for acne are not quick fixes, but they won't destroy your body in the long run.