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Re: Interesting connection between supplements and acne
DJThompson Views: 2,053
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 676,835

Re: Interesting connection between supplements and acne

Grain, and grain in combination with other foods and dairy, also in combination are some of the most common food intolerances , and the effects can manifest in countless ways. My old doc was against the use of supplements except for emergency use of C for stress. He'd always say "eat the whole food" which is burned into my brain forever. Unfortunately these days, the "whole food" (raw) itself is often deficient. What I do is use superfoods from whole food sources, which gives the extra but lets your body take it according to need. Whole food products are balanced and in proper ratios to each other and work synergystically in ways differently than isolated components of foods in the form of overly-processed and concentrated vitamins and minerals.


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