I had a "green herbal peel"... I only had it once, as my face was red for almost 5 days after... on day 3 it started to peel....and many layers of skin came off...
The results were moderate....it was worth it...but It really hurt going on..and then the night I couldnt touch my face at all...it felt as though there was broken glass under it or something.. I havent done it since, because I didnt like being red, and I couldnt afford being off work for so many days....
At home i often use papaya enzyme peels, and glycolic acid peels... They vare both amazing at reducing scars and getting rid of acne.
ZIA Naturals has good peels http://www.zianaturals.com
also Derma E has a nice glycolic facial cleanser, which peels the skin lightly as well.