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Re: ongoing skin problems: help
OrganicJul Views: 1,732
Published: 20 y
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Re: ongoing skin problems: help

I can very much relate to what your girlfriend is going through, and this is the ONLY thing that is making improvements for me : the master cleanse. I didn't buy a book on it, or products or anything. It's basically a lemonade liquid diet. You juice 8/9 lemons into 64 ounces of water everyday, add a sprinkle of cayenne pepper and drink. You'll know if you've added too much, it won't be consumable. On other websites they recommend adding maple syrup, which I don't advise, because your girlfriend may have a candida infection ( yeast overgrowth, which I also have) and if you do, Sugar makes it worse(aka makes your Acne worse, Acne is a symptom of candida overgrowth). The lemonade would be really tart, so I add a sweetener called "Stevia", they sell it in health food stores, it's a liquid, a little expensive (ranging from $10-$14 a bottle) and you only need a couple of squeezes to get it taste sweet. You're supposed to stay on this cleanse for a minimum of 10 days and she should see an improvement. I found out about this as a fluke, and I'm on my 2nd day. My Acne is 45% better today than it was yesterday!!!! I've had chronic acne problems for almost 10 years now!!! I will DEFINITELY be on it the rest of the 10 days to see HOW MUCH BETTER my face can actually look without acne!!!!!! Also at night she should take an herbal tea called smooth move, also available at health food stores, and try to take the tea again in the morning, to help clean out the serious toxins in her colon. Since she hates colonics, this might be a nice alternative for her. Depending on how blocked she is, she might experience cramping until she goes to the bathroom. I REALLY hopes this helps, it has changed my life!


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