Sorry for late reply.
For about 6 months I was doing just great with my UC. But once I had more mentally stress it all came back/the bleeding. When I first started about 3 weeks ago with the Vitamin E enema (d-alpha tocopherol) it just worked great. After I did the d-alpha tocopheryl acetate it didn't anymore. Since it said 100% natural I thought it would be fine to use too. However after seing that it did not help I returned to the d-alpha tocopherol...........unfortunatly doing only a little better. Before the procedure I had about 2-3 BM a day and it still is the same I would say. The last few days it was not formed at all. I see blood (little) with each bowel movement again.
Since I want to do a Liver Flush I wonder, if the Epsom Salt may irritate the walls. Should I better wait ot just go for it.