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Re: No this about the cloth.
nobugsplease Views: 1,490
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 674,250

Re: No this about the cloth.

Thanks for your suggestion. I have purchased many things off of e-bay with fabulous results. In fact, this is the first bad experience I have had and I wouldn't blame that on e-bay as a whole, but on the individual seller. I am positive that if I pursue the matter, my money will be refunded. E-bay has guarantees for this type of thing.

I am not the type of person that needs confirmation from a doctor before I make a decision regarding my own health. I realized the futility in that a long time ago.

I also am not trying to cure by Acne with a simple washcloth alone. I have already done that by changing my diet and cleansing my bowel and liver. I just wanted to experiment with the cloth for its exfoliating effects. I have tried a few different brands and I am just seeing what is out there. If I lose the ten dollars I have invested in the e-bay transaction, it's not the end of the world. I have saved plenty of money from purchasing items there to make up for it. Let alone all of the money I have saved on unnecessary doctor's visits and medication that only masks my problems or even makes them worse.

So once again, thanks for you help, but I am doing just fine with the course I am taking.
Best wishes and have a great day!


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