Re: it works!
Dear cait21 ,
it is great that you got rid of your acne.
So far, what you have been doing was only getting rid of symptoms, while neglecting the real problem.
Acne are a symptom of the problem ...
Acne are not the problem that needs treatment. Treating a symptom is like trying to destroy te only visible sign of the real problem.
I have a question for you!
Do you drive a car? Do you know anything about cars? Have you ever been inside a car? I assume Yes.
Now comes the real, more difficult question:
You are driving a car. Suddenly, a red light switches on, a little red light on the control screen of your car. It sometimes looks like a drop of oil!? Sometimes, it is just a text lighting red, text saying "OIL!"
The question: What would you do in this situation? You have 3 options:
Option 1: You don't do anything.
Option 2: You take a hammer and you smash the control screen and you destroy that stupid & annoying read light.
Option 3: You add some oil to the engine, (in the appropriate place, appropriate amount, appropriate engine oil, as described in user manual.)
You see, using Proactiv to treat
Acne is like using a hammer to get rid of the annoying red light on the control screen of your car. Hammer works ... don't get me wrong ... I am not saying that hammer will not do the job ... but, if you choose the hammer, question is: for how long time will you be able to drive that car? What do you think?
If you don't know the answer, try to ask someone who knows about cars.
Acne are only a symptom of the real problem. Acne are a red light. RED light, trying to tell you that your body needs some good oil! Light is trying to tell you that your body needs better care! Needs liver flush! Needs better food! Better oil! GOOD FOOD! GOOD WATER!
Sure, body is a little more complicated then a car ... so just oil may not be enough to switch off the red light(Acne).
If you neglect that red light(Acne), or if you try to smash it with the hammer (Proactiv), you body will keep suffering, (especially your liver, and your intestines, cause liver and intestines are your main engine!).
So, keep swearing by Proactiv and try to learn something about cars ... Proactiv is certainly a great way to destroy the red lights of your body!
How lucky we are that we have such powerful medications that are able to switch off all red lights.