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Issue 148: Prostate Cancer, Hepatitis C Cure, Acne Cure, MS Cure, Liver Flush ...

Issue 148: Prostate Cancer Cure, Hepatitis C Cure, Acne Cure, MS Cure, Liver Flush ...

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  • Re: How did I cure prostate cancer  by Tyler
    The curing of prostate cancer is much the same as the curing of any other cancer. Here are the basic steps to take. Of course there are additional steps that could be taken, but this is what my father did. I was never diagnosed with cancer. It was just strongly suspected that I had it because of a high PSA score and I didn't submit myself to a biopsy since it wasn't going to change anything that I did or didn't do.
  • I permanently cured my acne
    took me 24 flushes I think, or was it 28? the point is I've now done 37 flushes and my acne went away a while ago. the amount of liver flushes I've had to do is uncommon. the point is I still had a significant amount of stones, and it still disappeared.  I have tons of amalgam fillings, my acne is is possible. But liver flush was the only thing that finally made it go away. I didn't notice any initial improvement from bowel cleansing. However I had done several bowel cleanse BEFORE I managed to get rid of acne so they may have helped even though I didn't notice it. And I have heard of peoples acne going away after they did a really thorough bowel cleanse. So it has to be done no matter what.
  • EXPERIENCE: how liver flush ruined my life/health even further!
    a little over a year ago i began to try to heal myself naturally, as allopathic drs. were zero help, from various ailments that have plagued me for many years, i am 31 yrs old now:
    -migraines for 20+ years
    -chronic fatigue for 7yrs
    -neck/shoulder/back pain for 8yrs
    -depression/anxiety for 12 yrs
    -chronic pain/fibromyalgia-like
    -I changed my diet to include more organic fruits and vegetables, less wheat/gluten containing foods, less dairy. added probiotics, green food supplements, kefir, various other vitamins. increased water intake. more fiber to my diet
  • Cured of hepatitis C by sheldon
    I received hepatitis C from a blood transfusion over 20 years ago. I have been taking one 500 mg. of vitamin C, one capsule of 400 IU vitamin E and one multi-vitamin and mineral capsule. My liver condition never gave me a problem. However, my last biopsy which is given every 5 years showed that the virus was no longer present.
  • Mysterious strings of eggs (my cleanse results) by Deborah Lockett
    First of all I’d just like to say to anyone planning a parasite cleanse – make it easy on yourself, don’t use the toilet - sit on the side of the bath and hold a bowl under your bottom. That way you can gyrate the bowl and thoroughly inspect the contents without putting your head down the toilet or putting your hand in the BM in the toilet.
    If you use the toilet you could miss seeing a lot of things. Your BM can go in the toilet once you’ve taken a good look, taken photographs of anything of note, and fished out anything you want to preserve or just keep for reference until the end of the cleanse. If in doubt, keep it – if you end up getting nothing else in later BMs it will be really valuable to you.
  • Over 4 years after having Hep B. shots.
    Well, I was 11 when I was told I couldn't go to middle school if I didn't get the Hep. B shot. So in late 1998 I had the first shot. By the time I got from the nurse's office to my class, I had gotten very dizzy. It was only within a few minutes. After the certain time they had us all take the second shot. After this one I was out sick the next few days. I had severe abdominal pains. I had told my parents, and when the last shot came they told me to tell them that they didn't want me to get it. Well, since I was only 11 and they couldn't get a hold of my mother, they told me that she'd want me to get it. Even if I told then she didn't. I got the last one. This time I was out for a little over a week. I was a very healthy child. Rarely sick, except for the occasionally cold or flu.
  • Ken Presner's Speech to the MS Society (97)
    I was paralysed by MS in 1989. I nearly died from Crohn's Disease in 1994. In both cases, I had to take control over my own recovery. Without doing so there would have been no recovery. It takes single-minded determination to make recovery happen. The battle is won or lost on the battleground of the mind and spirit. From DAY 1, I decided I was going to win. I didn't know how, but I knew I would. I decided that I would not succumb to the inevitable decline that people with MS are conditioned to expect by neurologists and the MS Society. I have an iron will. I knew that my will and whatever intelligence God gave me would lead to success. I told this to my neurologist. He looked right through me. He gave me neither answers nor hope. Nor did the MS Society. I had to find both on my own. And I did. I started by giving up going to neurologists. And I stopped asking the MS Society for answers.
  • Flush #4-- and the Big Stones come hither by Snozberry
    I'm going through big changes lately. I feel much more mentally clear after clearing over 1,000 or so stones. (I don't really worry about counting them precisely)
    However, other changes have been out of balance. The skin under my eyes was breaking out and my doc told me this was a sign of overloaded kidneys. Also, my gallbladder area has felt very inflamed. I've been more tired.
  • Apples really do work by flowerchild59
    I just completed flush #16 this am.  Numbers 14, and 15 were relatively minor in that only about 100 bb size green came out. I thought finally at the end of over a year of flushing that I was at the bottom of the proverbial barrel of stones, but I was wrong.  This is apple season here where I live and I have been eating from 1-3 a day for a couple of weeks.
  • Re: TMJ Surgery by shadley
    My jaw had to be wired because it was "Repositoned" (Broken in 2 places). I still have the disc (cartilege) in my jaw - my problem was that the disc was dislocated and would not return to it's normal position. The surgery was to increase the space in the joint in the hopes this would allow the disc to return.
  • Dentists don't do body, Doctors don't do teeth
    What if you have a root-canalled tooth with an infection inside of it, not just around the roots, and it is causing all sorts of symptoms from leg cramps to headaches and fatigue - where do you go for help?
    Dentists don't do body, Doctors don't do teeth - who is going to diagnose and treat the cases where patients have a dental infection that is causing health problems?
  • Re: Andreas: Life from other Planets & their Blue-Print
    No, I wouldn't design us differently because how we function is not so much how it is, but how we do it. The blueprint of our physical body is not physical at all. The DNA is not the final blueprint of our body, but an expression of it. Take the I-consciousness out of the body and the DNA break up and ceases to have a purpose. We call it death. During the the era of Lemuria and Atlantis our consciousness vibrated at a higher frequency allowing us to consciously derive knowledge and energy from our higher aspects of self. This created a physical blueprint (DNA) that operated with many more DNA strands than we are today. Hence we lived much longer, up to 800-1000 years, and the ability to keep the body young, healthy and vital was considered natural. By contrast, due to the limitations of self-awareness today's physiologies are more dense and compact and subject to the harsh effects of the elements. Hence, they don't last very long, they wear out easily.
  • Startling New Book Reveals Toxic Waste in Our Foods
    U.S. farmers and gardeners are unknowingly spreading fertilizers containing toxic waste on farm fields and home gardens—arsenic, cadmium, lead and beryllium, dioxins and furans, among others. These are industrial byproducts so toxic it is illegal to dump them into the air or water. They come from such hazardous waste products as “fly ash” and cement kiln dust—anything is acceptable, as long as it contains a modicum of “plant nutrient,” such as nitrogen or phosphorus. It is not just sewage sludge that is involved. Never mind that a large part of the “product” may be highly poisonous to humans and animals. (Cadmium is non-toxic to plants, which take it up from the soil, but will harm animals and humans.)
  • Apple Pectin for joint pain relief by William H.
    Apple Pectin has been successful for me in relieving the extreme pain I had in my joints.  Apple Pectin is not a drug or pain killer it bonds with heavy metals that collect in the joints and other tissues and eliminates them from your body. In addition it helps coat the cartilage between your joints and aids the Synovial fluids that decrease with age or trauma. Some people get relief with in 48 hours where Glucosomine has failed.
  • Bipolar Disorder, Lesson on Zapping for Health by vtool
    Dr. Jeffery Sutherland has written on his website about the use of the Terminator. However, when I was contacting these medical research scientists and experts in electronic medicine, the Fscan II was recommended to me over all other devices as a starting device.
    I know from hard won personal experience that any "general" frequency or "zapper" is NOT as effective, nor even capable against all pathogens or organisms!!!

The Amazing Liver Cleanse
The Amazing Liver Cleanse
by Andreas Moritz

  • In this revised edition of his best-selling book, The Amazing Liver Cleanse, Andreas Moritz addresses the most common but rarely recognized cause of illness – gallstones congesting the liver. Twenty million Americans suffer from attacks of gallstones every year. In many cases, treatment merely consists of removing the gallbladder, at the cost of $5 billion a year. But this purely symptom-oriented approach does not eliminate the cause of the illness, and in many cases, sets the stage for even more serious conditions. Most adults living in the industrialized world, and especially those suffering a chronic illness such as heart disease, arthritis, MS, cancer, or diabetes, have hundreds if not thousands of gallstones (mainly clumps of hardened bile) blocking the bile ducts of their liver.

    This book provides a thorough understanding of what causes gallstones in the liver and gallbladder and why these stones can be held responsible for the most common diseases so prevalent in the world today. It provides the reader with the knowledge needed to recognize the stones and gives the necessary, do-it-yourself instructions to painlessly remove them in the comfort of one’s home. It also gives practical guidelines on how to prevent new gallstones from being formed. The widespread success of The Amazing Liver Cleanse is a testimony to the power and effectiveness of the cleanse itself. The liver cleanse has led to extraordinary improvements in health and wellness among thousands of people who have already given themselves the precious gift of a strong, clean, revitalized liver.

  • just finished liver cleanse
    I just finished a liver cleanse one hour ago. It works but it was awful ... the Epsom salt made me want to vomit, and I fell asleep and took the awful, gag, olive oil/grapefruit 45 minutes late. Anyway, some success.. about 100 pea green and tan stones came out and a lot of chaff. Some of the stones were about twice the size of green peas, 7 or 8 were bigger.  I will probably feel better in a couple of hours. I don't like that you have to fast 6 hours before the Hulda Clark cleanse.  Still, I am glad I did NON INVASIVE -NO CUTTING gallbladder surgery on myself and got 100 plus stones out. I got about 250 stones out on my first cleanse a few months ago, but the oil and Epsom salt made me so nauseous, I dreaded doing a second cleanse.
  • My Acne is well under control by girlUK
    Just thought I'd share my experience of my 1st colonic I had last Sunday. I have to say it was well worth it. It took ages to see some gunk come out (goes to show how much water I should be drinking). I must admit, I did find it uncomfortable when some mucoid plaque was being released. I have been using Enemas, PB Shakes, and Liver Flushing prior to this (and still do), but the colonic certainly made am additional difference as I haven't come out with ANY spots and am able to sleep properly since I did it. I am pretty sure that the probiotics and quitting white bread also helped.  I even ate some pizza a couple of days ago, and didn't break out (of course it's always sensible to keep this to a minimum).
  • Re: Sudden death of a loved one and spiritual confusion by andmor
    As it often happens, when a beloved person dies like your grandmother, the loss of physical presence of that person, creates a longing and emptiness, such as you have experienced. To fill that empty space in your heart, you seek to be comforted. This unconscious request invites an entity (soul that hasn't moved into the light at the time of death) that has such an effect. However, having an entity in your body separate from your own soul has a weakening and disorienting effect. I am not getting that the entity is your grandmother. Your grandmother has made a good transition and appears to be doing very well.
  • Re: Can a parasite cleanse & Liver Flush be done together? by hopinso
    Last year I discovered some parasite fragments in large gallstones and did the following cleanse with the guidance of my Naturopath. I used the product Parastroy for two weeks, I also took some digestive enzymes as recommended by my doctor, he said enzymes help break down both excess fecal matter and the outer skin of the parasites. In addition I took two Psyllium and Bentonite drinks every day to speed up elimination and absorb released toxins. I followed this program for two weeks, then took a ten day break. During this break I did a liver flush that was very successful.
  • Hepatitis and Vitamin C
    Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is a very important essential nutrient—that is, we must obtain it from diet. It is found only in the fruit and vegetable foods and is highest in fresh, uncooked foods. Vitamin C is one of the least stable vitamins, and cooking can destroy much of this water-soluble vitamin from foods.
    In recent years, the C of this much-publicized vitamin has also stood for controversy. With Linus Pauling and others claiming that vitamin C has the potential to prevent and treat the common cold, flu and cancer, all of which plague our society, concern has arisen in the medical establishment about these claims and the megadose requirements needed to achieve the hoped-for results. Some studies suggest that these claims have some validity; however, there is more personal testimony from avid users of ascorbic acid than there is irrefutable evidence. There has also been some recent research that disproves the claims about treatment and prevention of colds and cancer with vitamin C. However, in most cases, studies showing vitamin C to be ineffective used lower dosages than Dr. Pauling recommended. Overall, vitamin C research is heavily weighted to the positive side for its use in the treatment of many conditions, including the common cold.
  • GREAT to read your guys posts
    Thanks hopinso, fox and the others for your posts. I just finished my second liver cleanse and got about 400 stones out so far and according to Hulda Clark, have apprx. 1600 stones to go. Clark says you need to get 2000 stones out to fully clean the liver, ducts and gallbladder. Precision in following directions and TIMING EXACTLY as Clark states helped me get more stones out in the first flush.  The nausea being toxins released sounds correct. I am a lifelong eater/ supporter of healthy diet, but I smoke cigarettes.
  • No Pet Zone by Ana
    I found an article -titled “Tularemia, Hamsters- Canada alert”, that I want to share with you; it is an article warning Canadians (by health authorities) of type B tularemia found among dwarf/ pigmy hamsters. I think this article can teach everyone a lesson about keeping pets in the house.
  • Alternative Healing in California -- Quackpots down for the count!
    The California Medical Board v. Sinaiko case started in 1996, and hasn't ended yet...  But for some time, for the "quackbusters", the Sinaiko case, has been the most devastating loss in their history - for with it, during it, and because of it, they lost ALL influence in California. And worse for them, and good for California, with this case organized conventional medicine in California turned against them. California is the fifth largest stand alone economy on Planet Earth.  And now, it's going to get even more devastating.
  • Time for a regime change in attitude about medicine
    Half of our flu vaccine is gone, because the British government suspended the license of a major manufacturer, Chiron, over a contamination problem. Is this a public health nightmare, as the "authorities" are crying, or an opportunity to stop and think?   The Chiron disaster comes as these authorities are now telling us that the flu vaccine is desperately needed not just for senior citizens, but also for infants and pregnant women. Besides the fact that the vaccine is not uniformly effective and often gives people the flu, it contains a witch's brew of toxic chemicals including mercury and aluminum. Is this something that a pregnant woman, and her baby, should be exposed to? This sudden shortage would seem more a blessing!

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