Re: Finally an Acne Cure After 15 Years!
I went to the site and didn't see anything that I have not seen before other than they are selling an ebook rather than creams and lotions. I wouldn't buy anything from a site that is so vague.
If you want to give some details, that would be great, but I think it is foolish to believe that an expensive ebook can actually do the trick, based on a program they don't tell you anything about specifically. I just see marketing hype.
I have done the internal cleanses, used the best natural cosmetics, changed my diet, added potent antioxidants and take high quality whole food vitamins, as well as taking
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract in capsules, yet I still have break outs. I have the situation under control, but I am far from cured.
Do you have an interest in this company and it's product?