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You are awesome!!!

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

jana Views: 1,150
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 671,789

You are awesome!!!


I feel continually inspired by your posts, it is just absolutely amazing, that you have made it this far...
Especially since you had to do it in secrecy, that is just beyond belivable!

I have gone 15 days on Master-Cleanse (finished last week), and although most of the time I didn't have hard time with it, eventually my craving for different food prevailed, and that's the main reason I came off. (BTW I HAVE been eating too much since, almost like I had to make up for the lost food, but again, I really didn't feel too hungry most of the fast...)
Anyway, I really admire you for sticking with it THIS long, and just know, that you can do anything, after proving to yourself, that you can do this!!!

My only suggestion to you is, be more mindful of how you use the language. You made mention about your battle with obesity will continue for many years to come... Well, "as you shall speak, so it will be", so pay attention to that, and make sure, that you don't condemn yourself to the hell of the self-fullfilling prophesy... You know it is not necessary (unless, of course, you insist!!! :-)

Well good luck to you, and WAY TO GOOOOO!!!




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