25 flushes is one good record. Are you doing the 5 days of a quart of apple juice a day? How much oil are you using? I need 1 1/4 cup to get results. Some of us need more than others.
Additionaly you might do a castor oil pack and a hot water bottle on the liver for about 1 hour on flush day. Doing mini flushes in the mornings may help: 1 tablsp. olive oil, the juice of 1 lemon and grind 1/2 lemon in the blender with the peel, add about 1 sqaure inch of ginger, blend all and drink first thing in the morning on empty stomach, wait 1/2 hour before eating or drinking.
Sensiblehealth.com sells a Gold Coin Grass for breaking up gall stones that is another option you may want to try.