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#9 under way

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

rainbow Views: 2,037
Published: 22 y

#9 under way

Hi: Well I am on my way to flush #9. I never posted #8 because it was just an average flush..I probably had about 75 stones roll out..nothing real big...They were mostly dark green and little...I did have some tan ones as well..I hope this one gets out some biggies if there are any biggies left..I have been continueing to feel good, I am eating well and exercising..I do get many compliments on my complection. people say I have a glow about me...My eyes aren't as puffy as before either..(some days they are). What causes the puffy eyes and does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of it...I will report tomorrow on my flush results. God bless curezone


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