Here I was crexing along today all forlorn and flatline-melancholic and then tripped over your message and said Whatsis?
How lovely!
And oh, Louise Hay... I read a book of hers 20 years back, about how she grew up in that terrible childhood and then got cervical cancer and they wanted to operate, and she healed herself with green vegetables and all and sold her stuff and moved (with her juicer) to California and took herself for lovely walks on the beach. Is that the book? What a gal, yo! Thank you for reminding me, now I want to check out her other books.
Especially on a day like this it is so healing to see a message like yours. Please God, if somebody can get a laugh out of this then more power to us!
Full moon blessings,
Miss Chirpy Goji
(my new, more youthfully zippy nickname for the next 5 min.)