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Published: 20 y


I've been dating my boyfriend for 5.5 years. We have lived together almost the entire time, and we were committed to being each others' forever person. But we are actually falling apart, and it's killing me. The last year has been pretty up and down, and neither of us has been overly happy. And after a couple serious fights about a month ago, he has started staying in a separate room. He says it's because he feels emotionally dead, and wants to try a "break" or get some space so he can get his head organized and start feeling again. He wants to stop talking, he wants to miss me, he wants to feel. But this break is the worst thing that has ever happened to me - I feel totally rejected, constantly longing for him and am not emotionally equipped to just live in this house and act like things are fine and just be his roommate, and wait for him to come around. I struggle because I know relationships are tough, but I've never heard of self-inflicted distance and isolation being used as a tactic to make things right - not in a partnership. I miss him! And at the same time I am letting go, and am grieving the loss of my feelings and am grieving the loss of his...after this long of an investment it hurts so much to think of walking away, but I am literally going out of my mind. Am I crazy to think this is so hard?


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