confront him about his secret website/aka cheating?
Ok, my boyfriend is in a different country right now. We communicate through emails and instant mesaging because he can't use the phone. I've known about this site that he has..almost like a online profile where people can post messages and there are pictures of all his "friends" (there are about 50 and they are all girls).
Well i feel bad because i've been quiet about it..kind of to monitor who posts messages..what they say to him, what he says to them.
But i found this one post he left for Sue (not real name) that said something like 'hey baby i miss you so much'. And then i saw that in the past she left messages to him like 'hey stud..luv u sexy'. I am on the verge of tears and just don't know what to do. I want to confront him about it but don't know how. Who knows if she is the only girl he writes and tells her he misses them.
I'm feeling so sad, mad, and confused at the same time. Please give me any quidance because i don't want to rush into just yelling at him. I'm afraid if i tell him i know..he will just start up a new profile under a different dname or something.
thanks, LDB.