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The garlic smell is subdued by parsley, maybe farts too.
  Views: 4,002
Published: 20 y
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The garlic smell is subdued by parsley, maybe farts too.

The chlorophyll absorbs the smell from garlic so the smell doesn't come back out the mouth as bad breath, but the chlorophyll might also absorb the odor completely so that there will be nothing to come out the other way. Chlorophyll is found in any plant, so you might also find some in the liquid form of vegetable juice. There is a 'farting forum' (intestinal gas or some other polite name, lots of jokes too) here at Curezone, maybe they would have more info. Actually, REAL MEN shouldn't be making such a big issue of farting...because it makes us feel more at home (another joke).

The chlorophyll absorbs the smell from garlic so the smell doesn't come back out the mouth as bad breath, but the chlorophyll might also absorb the odor completely so that there will be nothing to come out the other way. Chlorophyll is found in any plant, so you might also find some in liquid form of vegetable juice. There is a 'farting forum' (intestinal gas or some other polite name, lots of jokes too) here at Curezone, maybe they would have more info. Actually, REAL MEN shouldn't be making such a big issue of farting...because it makes us feel more at home (another joke).


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