Good to know you are not just bitter, you also have lost someone you love. I am sorry that you hurt so badly. I know you don't understand where I have come from, but I do hurt and I know what it is like to cry, everyday, to want to throw up and to feel like you can't breathe. I never, "slept" around, as you put it. I was with 3 men, my first two husbands and the man I love, and if you consider that sleeping around, I am sorry. I don't ever want to be with another man again unless it is him. I will go to my grave alone, that is how serious I feel about him and it is not a phase, it is feelings that have never deminished since the day it all began. So again, I am glad to know that you do have feelings, not glad you suffered. Try not to judge people, you never know where they have been and you never know where you will end up. We are all the same and there is good in most people, that is what I look for and I think the world would be better for it.