So I've been with this girl for 5 months. She told me that she was interested in me when i still was with my ex. at the time. so I cheated on my ex with this girl since there was no more sex involved in my previous relationship. (was going downward, was seeing the end). I am really happy being with this girl and she previously had long-term relationship with this guy who she used to live with. (7-year relationship). She says she loves me lots and I feel the same way. She is sometimes a wanger though, not answering my call, would say she wants to hang out but never call and calls at the end of night. (2PM) I asked for her honest feeling towards me the other day and she told me that she misses her ex's family. And she told me it's not fair for me to be in the situation where she's not totally over with her previous relationship. I basically took her 2 months after her break up. Her friends don't want her to be with me, so they try their hardest to find out about my past and tell her that I was a cheater and once a cheater's always cheater. She gets influenced easily by her friends. My ex told her that I am probably already cheating on her. And she told me that if she feels that I am cheating on her that probably means that I am cheating on her. I told her that I am not, and have no intention to. I have been faithful the whole 5 months being together. Another thing is that she's really trying to make me feel jealous when we go to clubs. Would hold other guys' hands and talk to them real closely...I saw my girl kissing other guys...but no tongue, just smooches. And other guys would touch her body parts and she just let them. I know that I don't deserve anything like that. I think about breaking up with her and moving on whenever things like that happens...(happens almost every weekend). But when we spend times together it's great. (great sex) She's only 20 and I am 22. She only had 1(intimate) relationship before me. And maybe she feels that she wants to explorer??? She knows I've been with over 30 girls. I don't know what she wants or what she thinks of me. I am ready to settle and make commitment but don't know if she's going to keep on treating me like this. HELP ME~