I would suggest supporting Adrenal function with the Keto-7 form of DHEA, which doesn't form other hormones. Start out with some cheap, low dose DHEA and try it a couple of times when you are frosty. If you warm up, suspect Adrenal Insufficiency and treat with the OCCASIONAL use of the Keto-7 form of DHEA; you don't want to get the Adrenals relying on outside support, just give 'em a little help. Please include EFA's, Essential Fatty Acids in your diet and used topically, as in Cocoanut Oil and Borage Seed Oil and Olive-Oil used topically and internally. Eat a good ribeye steak once a month. Use lots of kelp or salt that feeds the Adrenals and avoid sweets and stimulants like caffeine and nicotine that stress the Adrenals. Check out the Adrenal forum. God bless!