Sounds like your body needs to detox to do a catch up on the built up toxins in your body >Have you thought of doing a fasting cleanse?If that is not manageable for you you could try taking liquid aerobic oxygen drops-I found good for you canada corp. the best brand to take or you could take the lemon drink that is part of The Master Cleanse BY sTANLEY bURROUGHS---2TBL.ORGANIC 2 OR 3 GRADE MAPLE SYRUP TO HALF OF A FRESH LEMON(2 TBL.)HOT WATER BUT NOT TOO HOT YOU CAN'T DRINK IT DOWN AND HAVE TO BLOW ON IT, AND EITHER AN EIGHTH OF A TEASP.CAYENNE PEPPER OR 1 CAYENNE CAPSULE OR LIQUID TINCTURE OF CAYENNE WILL ALSO WORK.Take first thing in the morning before eating anything than an hour or two have something to eat.This gives the drink a chance to start working on your body also good aide for your digestion and adds extra nutrition to your body instead of taking man made suppliments.