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Re: Do I have the right kind? How long until it starts working?

Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.

Owen Views: 5,104
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 662,428

Re: Do I have the right kind? How long until it starts working?

Dear MiracleFaith,

I agree with everything Blueduck
said to you.

Yes, the TT Virgin Coconut Oil
would be the best product to take
internally. It's a saturated fat,
but your body NEEDS some good
saturated fats. The Virgin Coconut
oil contains nutrients that will
satisfy your body's needs, and quell
any hunger pangs.

Highly processed oils -- the kind
your supermarket sells -- are dead
foods. Those oils have no life, no
energy. So when you eat them, your
body's needs are NOT satisfied,
and you feel "hungry." Your body
is hungry for living food that is
full of living energy. It's up to
you to give it what it needs.

If you eat mostly living foods,
drink lots of water, and avoid all
the dietary horrors, you won't put
on weight. My weight hasn't varied
an ounce in 28+ years.

Keep us posted on your progress!


Owen ©†ƒ……•™¼‡_Original_Message_¾€š½ž¢«»¬ï°©

Dear MiracleFaith,

I agree with everything BlueDuck
said to you.

Yes, the TT Virgin Coconut Oil
would be the best product to take
internally. It's a saturated fat,
but your body NEEDS some good
saturated fats. The Virgin Coconut
oil contains nutrients that will
satisfy your body's needs, and quell
any hunger pangs.

Highly processed oil -- the kind
your supermarket sells -- are dead
food. Those oils have no life, no
energy. So when you eat them, your
body's needs are NOT satisfied,
and you feel "hungry." Your body
is hungry for living food that's
full of living energy. It's up to
you to give it what it needs.

If you eat mostly living foods,
drink lots of water, and avoid all
the dietary horrors, you won't put
on weight. My weight hasn't varied
an ounce in 28+ years.

Keep us posted on your progress!




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