Virgin Coconut Oil has recently been touted for metabolic enhancement.1 The beneficial effects of Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil (primarily C8 & C10 and a few C6 & C12 fatty acids)2 are established in the literature,3 but many people are taking that to mean that we should increase consumption of Coconut Oil, which in addition moderate amounts of C8 & C10 also contains large amounts of C12 and moderate amounts of C14, C16, & C18— a position which I believe is not nearly as well-supported. MCT Oil is an ultrapurified form of fractionated coconut oil that has undergone a steam purification process which strips out all the long chain fatty acids (LCFA's) that Dr. D'Adamo spoke negatively of in his column on coconut oil.4 There are many articles on the web extolling the benefits of MCT Oil for those living a low-carb lifestyle as a quickly-utilized, non-lipogenic, caloric source. I'm not sure how Dr. D'Adamo would feel about it because it's not a completely "natural" product, but from what I understand of the purification process, I don't think that it would be harmful to those wanting to try it. There are even some naturally butter-flavored forms available.5 It should not be used for frying (who fries anymore anyway?!) or heated above 320ºF.6