It is difficult getting children to eat a more healthy diet. My husband goes along with eating organic, whole foods but my daughter is starting to protest. She is 10 and doesn't like that mom does research. She sees that as the problem. This from the child who hasn't been sick at all in a year and a half. She is getting to the point where I am blunt with her. Just the other day she was complaining about not getting the junk foods that her friends eat so I asked her if she wanted to be fat and sick? I don't know if it is getting through to her but we are hoping she'll figure it out on her own.
I do have my dad to contend with - he has even been giving my kids Propel or Fruit2O (with Splenda) to drink even though I have asked him not to. I am working on my kids to get them to realize that it isn't good for them and to refuse when offered. I do allow them a little bit of junk food occasionally when we are out but do not keep it in the house. The one thing I have drilled into their heads in to not eat anything with soy in it.
As to the jaw formation, my children both have normally formed jaws and palates with straight teeth and enough room to allow for future teeth. According to our dentist, they will not need braces at all. This is amazing in an age when almost every other child needs braces.