Re: repetitive problem
Dear Andreas:
When I met my first roommate here I thought her behavior and problems were like mine when at I was younger.
When I met my two other roommates they triggered many memories form my past. I thought they reflected some parts of me when I was younger. One gets irritated easily as I used to be and the other is very sensitive and confused as I used to be.
So, I was aware that something was going on and there was a reason for me to be there.
All my life I have had extreme relationships. People love me or hate me. I have suffered because I did not want to be like that.
Your post has made me see so many things. So, I think is just time for me to accept who I am, how I am and the situations I live.
I have had a very rich life with al sort of experiences. However, I have been so depressed since I felt It was too much for society common expectations ( I am single, having a very different life than is expected for a latinoamerican woman). I feel frequently, that now I have a message to tell to some people. I also have felt all my life very thirsty of knowledge and understanding of things. I was afraid of sharing what I feel I have to say or do.
I will read your book of Freedom from Judgment, since I only have read the Amazing liver cleanse.
Thank you so much for your post. You cannot imagine how much sense it has to me and how it has helped.