Cleansing books to Dr. V
Hello Doc,
It's me I have not talked to you in a while.
I have been using the Detox foot bath and really cleansing like crazy. I have been feeling rough. We are muscle testing that I am releasing LOTS of heavy metals and of course that releases all the things that are binding to it.
I am also hitting some emotional stuff too.
I am looking for some information books and such on cleansing. I am trying to understand all this how the body works and what to expect. My liver and Kidneys are of course taxed from all this.
I am told we heal in layers like a onion peeling. Do you know of any resources I could get my hands on to understand and learn more about all this process?
I might ask curezone if they would start a forum on cleansing.
Oh yes one mroe thing I am told I am inline and very strong. I still am having trouble muscle testing myself. Do you know if any good books that is easy to understand.?
Thank you in advance!
Blessings, Raider