My results after 6 weeks...and a question.
So, after six weeks here is my story. By the fourth week the pads on the foot area that cooresponds to liver went from
the usual gunk to clear white. Then I tried two weeks of the pads slightly above the liver area which I think cooresponds
to the lungs...again, after a week they went white.
What is odd though is that I don`t find a lot of improvements. First off, even at the time (Day 30) I was supposedly
getting little out of my system every morning I woke up with somewhat of a depressed Herx-like feeling that took
an hour to go away. I still got this when I went off the pads for a week and then went back on for a day.
My tongue coating..which I thought this might help with is still there. Mood and energy are definitely on the rise,
but honestly I have been generally improving for the last few months so I really cannot attribute this to the pads.
Where do I go from here.....My symptoms are mild anxiety, coated tongue and mild IBS........All are gradually
improving with better diet and some meditation. Is there more I should do with these pads or am I looking in
the wrong direction.