21 y
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Health problems since 1997
Dear Dr.
I have been having health problems since 1997. Before that I was in excellent health, never had to go to the doctor. in 97 my stomach went from being flat to being poffy, I have ended up with hive,dermographalizm,every six months or so since then sometimes it goes away on its own other times even with medications I can have it for up to six months was the longest,I have them in my ears I even feel them in my lips. I have been told I am problably allergic to pine trees,sea food, medications, laundry soaps,ect. everytime I get them they tell me it could be something different but I know it is none of these things. Also at the same time i started getting these other simptoms I also started having trouble with an irritable bowel, and sharp piercing pains in between my shoulder blades, all of this was told to my doctor and I was told it was all tied in to the reason I was taken off work in 1999 I painted car parts in a factory and I was diagnosed with pulmanary fibrosis, fibrmyalgia, I was as tiered when I went to bed as I was when I woke up in the morning and ect. Them symptoms have improved greatly but the symptoms at the top of this letter I still have and getting worse the pain in between my shoulder blades is increasing in pain and in frequency, and I have had hives now for a month and a steroid pack did not even touch it. I was on the internet and came across
gall stones it seems that all my symptoms left could very well be that. question # 1.does it sound like gall stones could be the cause of my problems ?.
question # 2. I no longer have insurance because I was taken off of work do to the other problems I am currently going through a reabilitation program for a displaced worker but it still might be sometime befor getting any insurance and medical bills are getting very high. do you have any suggestions on how to cope or deal with this until then or had I better get right to see the dr.
any suggestions you may have would greatly be appreciated.
Thank you.