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Re: What are foot pads and what do they do?
detoxdr Views: 1,365
Published: 21 y
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Re: What are foot pads and what do they do?

I am very happy to hear you take such good care of your health. Keep it up, you are also inspiring others.

The pads are composed of all natural herbs that have been used for generations in Asia. Upon interacting with the sole of the foot, they begin to emit an infrared type of stimulus that activates the meridians identified in Chinese medicine. In particular, they will stimulate the Kidney One meridian. At the same time, they create what is called in Asia the "negative ion" effect, which allows a flow from the body into the pad.
The body is therefore coaxed into actively releasing toxins using its own natural resources.
Because of this particular mode of action, the pads also have a very positive general energy and circulatory effect, and particularly in the feet and legs.

In Continued Health,

Dr Vinograd


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