Re: Detox Pads Helping Immensly!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for this information. I am a regular user of Colosan - did the intense flushing up front and now use it for maintenance each weekend. It really is great. I am also doing the P&B shakes to clear out the MP. Those alone have done wonders for my constipation. Actually, when I went in for my most recent colonic, the colon hydrotherapist is the one who highly recommended the Colosan. She said that based on how my session went, the Colosan would be much more helpful to me long term than repeated colonics. So I went out and purchased it and have been using it ever since.
I agree I must have stirred up significant toxins in my system based on the way I was feeling. However, from the first night of using the foot pads, I felt like a completely new person the next day. I have used them every day since and that feeling of wellness keeps getting stronger and stronger. So they really seem to be working for me.
I have been preparing my system for my 2nd
Liver Flush which is this evening. I will keep everyone posted on any repeated, adverse side effects. I think I learned a good lesson on how MY body reacted to the flush and what I need to do to prepare it post flush this time around. I am keeping my fingers crossed!
Thanks again for your advice.