Re: is bleeding this much normal???
it is my understanding you generally bleed for the first 4/6 weeks after ahvign a baby to start with. (i have had 3 by c section) since i nursed mine i never had anymore til i strted weaning them...
but i do know that it woudl seem normalin my oipion to have heavier periods for a whiel after havign a child cause youbody is going to give you a good cleaning.
drink lots of fluids... don't lift heavy things ..hmm baby ? lol i knwo you hve to lift your baby but try to maybe sit in chair a few days whiel holdign him/ put feet up and relax/ get soem super max kotex/ remember it washes out in cold water and a towel under youwhere you sit.
rub/massage your uterus area.. remember how htey massage you in hsop to help it contract and get it back to normal size? drink lots of fluids. avoid a hot showe rfor a few days jstu clean you rpivates to get blood off/ i find if on my period when i take hot shower it increase the blood flow.
remmeber it looks liek a whoel lot more than it is... it is mixed wiith body fluids etc/
unless you are feelign faint/ and don't strain havign bowel movemetns.
you have a doc i knwo you do and youhave instructions go home for m hosp ital right?
keep tabs on how many kotexes you aare fillign adn call office even and tlak to nurse there/ it shoudl be part of your post natal check up care included with birth of your child.
i am sure your next ones will be lesser
ps i am not a doc or an expert..just a mom *smile*
you might even pass s oem really big clots fo
RA few periods after havign your baby
hope it resloves it self quickly fo ryour peace of mind
Ami B.
ps eat lotta broccoli etc and spinach