i agree , Ben
i agree with yo u, ben.
btw i ahv enot yet even seen Dr. Vinogard try to market his pads on this forum above any other pads lol!! he jstu helsp folks with their questiosn no matter where they got them form.
so no one coudl possible say that even he is marketign here/ evne tho itis his forum and he woudl have eveyr righ tto do so...
to me that is th esign of a good person
the only attacks have been instigated by texan and his firend doc patel... and they are the ones seem to be rpomoting the detox pads.
sure they may in fac t be great pads, but the way there are goin gaboooooout it/make s them loss repect and otehr s not want to use they product/ so i think texan, i fyou are not trying ot sellthe product jstu chillout (as ben said ) and lets allttry to mov eon form this... with no hur tfeeligns....
bu tyo uahv eto admit i fyou continue attackign that folks are goign to tend to not believe tha tyou are not connected with the porduct/ caus eother wise youwoudl jsut be concerend with
helpiun gohters ratehr that attackign others.
i thogut we were all here to try o help each other.
i mean even the other forums you never see teh other doctorrs attack each other/ it seems odd , i saw th e posts when doc patel frist cam on,and yo uinttttroed him to dr.Vinograd so nicely.
why then the big attack turnaorund? wher eyo ujstu a wolf in sheeps clothing?
on e has to wonder when they see turnover cahges liek that?
you know it seems inconsistent?
if you are reall then jstu let it go/ say bad msiunderstandign
we allwillunderstna di am sure evyer oen has bad days thing s fly ahrd in worogn directions?
i agree with ben, i think mos t folsk woudl nto hold it agian st yo ufi youjstu let it rest and let us all get back to helpign each other as a team forum.