hi anybody tha tis curious/ could goto best health wholeslae products forum and read a pos thee form dr.vinogard.
entitled dear friends at cure zone.
i think we coudl all learn a bi tabout manners form him (certainly me ...) and restraiant.
if you read tha tmessage he clearly states there that soem fo the funds form the pads goes into helping autistic children and othe rhelth related studies/
i mysel fliek the idea that my monsy os also goign to help some oen /help others/
anyhow, again .dr.vinogard i hav eput foot in mouth/
and feel apalled at my outbursts when i re read your messages...
i surely wish i was a restrained and hospitalble as youare in adressign things...
but then tha tis wha tmake syou the dr and me the everdday gal 8)
i hope others will go read tha tpost/ ithink we could all learn how to be better peopel jstu form the waay you deal with problems as they aarise.