You know what came out of you and how you feel. My advice is to keep flushing every two weeks for as long as you keep getting stones out; and postpone surgery, hopefully forever. I know its hard to keep thousand$ of dollar$ out of the surgeon's pockets, but you can keep your gallbladder and enjoy a lifetime of better health the natural way. Don't be surprised if the doctor refuses to believe you got out Gallstones even if you bring him samples. Liver Flushing is not in the best interest of most traditional MDs and most of them will do their best to discourage and even frighten you until you agree to what is all too often unnecessary surgery. Read the testimonials of all the people here who have continued to flush out stones years after having their gallbladders removed. There are also many of us who avoided the surgery through dedicated flushing. Good luck, stay strong and happy flushing.