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Re: Hopinso??? (Why does standing up ruin the flush?)
hopinso Views: 1,001
Published: 22 y
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Re: Hopinso??? (Why does standing up ruin the flush?)

My phone has been out of order all morning, I really do try to be nice and helpful (sniff sniff).
The reason you are supposed to lie down, from my understanding, is to allow the oil to remain in the stomach and send out signals for the liver to release more bile (and with it the stones) to get the stuff broken down.After a few days of low fat diet the liver is a little lazy and all that oil is a call to wake up and get to squirting. My doctor even told me the name of the chemical, but I have totally forgotten. Anyway lying still, waiting to hear that lovely gallbladder gurgle is the way I learned to flush and the way I get the most sucessful flushes. The first time I flushed, I didn't know this and still got out stones, but it seems the longer I keep doing this, and presumably the deeper the Liver Cleansing is getting, the longer I have to lie still to get good results. Also another reason for my taking Melatonin, it helps me get to sleep faster.


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