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Re: $10 Zapper from
spacemiser Views: 3,520
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 654,044

Re: $10 Zapper from

cool, that's the one I use. no fair trying to know in advance that it really works. it's an experiment you try and see. I can say "I believe 100% that it really, actually works" as many times as I like (as I'm obviously a fallible individual with the right to my own beliefs and opinions whatever the FDA says) but pending further scientific investigation I can't say plainly "it works." not about cs, kombucha, herbs, or anything else I believe in, even if it does work.

all that said -- I really believe 100% that the $10 zapper actually works and kills bacteria and such. (in unshielded areas of the body. so it might just shrink the ulcer gradually instead of killing it all at once.) I also believe in kombucha, Colloidal Silver , and herbs.


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