Re: Cervicle Cancer
If I had to do it all over again, I think I would buy myself an F165 (easy to use with copy and pasting of the programs into the software) like I have now, because of it's HIGH VOLTAGE output and SUPREME programmability, and simply because that's what Doc Sutherland, who has gotten MULTIMILLION DOLLAR GRANTS and been a former researcher with some national cancer research institute and the NIH or National Institutes of Health (he was on the board or something like that) I am using his consultation service to be tested on occassion by his energetic method of testing and scanning, and recieving the ABPA transmissions on occassion when needed or p.r.n. This way, I will be using the F165 in tandem with Dr. Sutherland's Advanced Biophoton Analyzer. I will be PLATE ZAPPING using the LYMPH anatomy slide (which someone can easily MAKE themselves for pennies) and placing the electrode DIRECTLY on my inner thigh RIGHT were the pain and LYMPH nodes are. I CONTINUE to use the Beck PROTOCOLS - see the FREE movie here: I FEEL BETTER THAN I EVER HAVE!!! However, there is this lymph question in my right leg! I also use a BT6 pro (beck Brain TUNER or ces device) DAILY.
For researchers:
Deactivation of microorganisms by an oscillating magnetic field (US Patent Office)
search for Patent no. 4524079
Malignancy treatment using an oscillating magnetic field (US Patent Office)
search for Patent no. 4665898
Researchers at the University of Washington have discovered a method of
treating malaria with oscillating magnetic fields:
The effectiveness of oscillating magnetic fields at killing microbes (tests
performed on food). Just look at that large chart to see the results.
Please note that with most of the tests described on this web page they
only applied one pulse. As a researcher, with our M-Pulse 5000 you can
apply as many pulses as you like. It won't overheat.
I just got a recent (December 31, 2005) radionics saliva test (a copy posted here in the images
Zapper Forum Folder) from Dr. Richard Loyd (listen to his audio interview with Laura Lee at in the audio archives - search). I should expect results back any time now (January 15, 2006 or a little later). I WILL post results here. I am battling primarily the following issues:
Brain tumor or lump (radionics saliva test/iridology both indicate)
HIGH VIRAL TB (tuberculosis) (I expect to take up to 6 months to eliminate with Beck alone)
ongoing Borna Virus infections (primarily why I use Dr. Sutherland's consult, but not exclusive to that, as I continue to learn some frequencies dealing with LYMES, which has helped tremendously, and have had SUPER energy since the nanobacteria elminated by frequency specific zapping using the Fscan II... NOW I would use the F165... my Lyme's was cleared up SOLELY by the APBA via Dr. Jeffery Sutherland as I was traveling in New Zealand and without ANY equipment for 45 days).
I have a VERY high mercury count... and am looking at this option depending on what this test result comes back as in a few days or week or two. I SUGGEST THIS for researching FOR all heavy metal issues.
I had my metals removed from my mouth by a professional dentist who almost died of mercury poisoning (Lighthouse Dental in Raytown or K.C. Missouri), specifically two nickel backed crowns.
I am waiting to see if my radiation stress is SUPER high still, pending the results of my next test any time now. I knew to treat, and the existence of the VIRAL TB through Dr. Loyd's radionics saliva test... at 1552 and 2565. I take Transfer Factor. This alleviated symptomology for me IMMEDIATELY... as did the zapping of the borna virus when Dr. Sutherland first found it, and gave me at that time, the frequencies of the various strains he finds in his research and research pool. His research on this continues, and I am a layperson participant.
So, the frequency specific treatments have kept me out of the hospital, and to eliminate viral TB takes one year or so they say... borna virus has to be delt with on each reinfection, which is frequent. I have done Dr. Richard Shulze intestinal formulas 1 & 2, and will do the garlic free version formula 3 if they are still producing it, as I continue the Beck protocols and FEEL SUPER... outside my right inner thigh (lymph?).
As I stated, I'll use a lymph sample slide or anatomy slide on the imprinter (plate in the circuit of the zapper, or FREQUENCY GENERATOR) and place the electrodes RIGHT ON MY INNER THIGH.... exactly where Sutherland found it in his scanning/testing, and ongoing slight pain confirms (noticeable especially when I run).
So I use a BT6 daily, was using Fscan but it needs repair, WILL use the F165 (we think powerpack arrived, but have to check p.o. tommorrow to see), and continue with the silver pulser, homemade amber
Colloidal Silver , magnetic pulsing (oscillating magnetic pulses to the lymph paths, liver, spleen, kidneys, brain, spinal cord, inner legs...etc.) and ozonated water.
I'll keep you posted... but I am REALLY looking at this: and more Clark Style
Liver Flushes after I get Dr. Shulze instestinal cleanses.
My exwife had some female issues... she used YARROW BATHs cups of flowers and herb added to warmest water she could stand and bathed WAISTE high in it for 30 minutes a day. She did Easter Lily extract drops... and the herbal tinctures in Dr. Richard Shulze FEMALE and female hormone FORMULAS... she did LOT's of cayenne pepper and lobelia.... colon, liver, and kidney flushes... and a LOT of BLACK GUNK came out... out of the vagina. However, she did great for a long period of time... until years later when she returned to a VERY toxic lifestyle.
When in the U.S. I checked my feet area at the computer, sleeping area, and bathroom, and kitchen for EMF's, microwaves, and electrical disturbances with a TRIFEILD METER from I got rid of my pets,,, didn't want to deal with reinfection. If my ex-wife was around now,,, I'd use a vaginal slide or uterine slides in plate zapping, plus have her test with radionics saliva test and Dr. Sutherland's testing (and fscan if you have access to one) to find the EXACT pathogens involved... use a sample of them (plate zapping) or their SPECIFIC frequencies, and ZAP THE LIVING H*LL out of them... I'd tell her to keep on cleansing,,, check her heavy metals,,, nutritional status... ALL that the radionics saliva test does... and does VERY VERY well and accurately.
I am sure I have missed some details in sharing my story... and my personal experiences and research...
Seems some would use castor oil packs ex did... got a lot of toxins out that way... seems like a
FIR (Far-Infrared-Sauna) or Far Infared Sauna and Dr. Sherry Rogers book Detoxify OR DIE is a recommended and required book for reading for those dying of cancer.... as would be a great idea to get Dr. Clark's newest video and book on that subject, and study up. But alas, who can afford all of this? :)))) I've got a lot fo stuff... but not all that I need :))) I am doing fine though... test will tell the tale VERY soon. It's an ongoing work in progress ;)))
I am VERY interested in Tom Berryhill's new device last program yesterday he spoke about it... and of course Lee Crock's energy cleaner... but I am not unlimited with my research and cash outlay... :)))
Doc Sutherland has had some multimillion dollar grants though to research cures for cancer... and Dr. Loyd does some truly miraculous work.... so... I use their testing and consult on occassion... which has kept me hospital free, and in tandem with the Beck protocols, feeling better than ever since the inception of my illness... and though still challenged at the moment... I am quite confident that by the end of 2007, I'll be 100% better than ever... maybe not "cured" but certainly BETTER than ever :)
Hope that stimulates some thoughts, and further research on your part. You've got to do the work, and the study.
In short, I am using Dr. Loyd's testing, Dr. Sutherland testing and APBA service, the F165 SOON (as Fscan is down for now, or the high output side), and plate zapping in tandem with specific frequencies... and putting electrodes right on my inner thigh when I run the program for 24 days... this in tandem with ongoing BECK PROTOCOLS... and I am not done cleansing yet... but outside my leg, and an occasional borna virus infection (that I caught on the fscan dirping recently for the first time), I've never felt better in YEARS. :)
Hope that helps with your research.