As you can see, I should definetly keep coverage of the kidney (and brain, as the radionic saliva test indicates concentration of viral tb is at as well as tumor/lump) with the MPG5 or daily magnetic pulsing... so I am covering the lymph path, and the gut, as Steve had affirmed as a great idea, and mentioned on Tools For Healing site (liver, spleen, kidneys). These oscillating magnetic feilds 'pulses' or pulsing of the lymph fluids/path & organs, along with the daily blood electrificiation (adding microcurrent THROUGH the blood at artery points), Colloidal Silver , and ozonated water (plus I am doing 1552 & 2565 on the Fscan II, and the BT6 Pro
This SHOULD be of interest to ALL of you, as scientists and researcher's suspect that 1/3 of the globe is INFECTED with the viral form or latent tuberculosis.