Re: WRONG WRONG WRONG -Re: All this electronic stuff isn't that great!
Thanks again for the reference to the CAFL and Tools excellent description of the MPG5 (I can't remember, but I think that's where I got my MPG5 - I've delt with both Tools For Healing & SOTA in Canada).
Now in consulting with Dr. Sutherland (Using his paid for services) ( ) I got these numbers, and this instruction for converting the F165 program into the TB frequency treatment usable with the Fscan software or Fscan II device (stand alone, ie. touch screen). Again, all I am waiting on is the F165 power pack or transformer, then I will use the F165 in tandem with the Beck protocols to eliminate the TB virus. Why both??? Because Beck claims that in the case of herpes, for example, it may take 5 months of daily Beck regime or protocols to DO THIS! ! ! And who out there can tell me how long it takes to get rid of the VIRAL form of TB??? Anyone??? Dr. Richard Loyd did - in sharing with me that in one case he delt with, a girl who had this (was in a mental hospital with schizophrenia symptomology) (she tested with viral TB on the radionics saliva test), had to do frequency treatments for a year or so (he may have suggested that she be doing other adjunct therapies, such as taking radionically charged antiviral herbal drops, etc. etc.) to ELIMINATE the TB virus, but she DID indeed eliminate it, and has been symptom free for some 5-6 years or so.
Here is the TB set that I am going to use:
dwell 720
program a
vbackfreq a 0.002478752 0 66.6
vbackfreq b 0.049787068 0 66.6
converge 0 0
12677.6 # protein
converge .17% .1
1662 2774
Here is how you translate an F165 program for an FSCAN.
#F165 Tuberculosis
dwell 720
program a
vbackfreq a 0.002478752 0 66.6
vbackfreq b 0.049787068 0 66.6
converge 0 0
12677.6 # protein
converge .17% .1
1662 2774
The dwell is time in seconds so 720 seconds means run for 12 minutes.
You cannot run multiple channels on the FSCAN so ignore the scalar
waves generated by the vbackfreq commands.
The converge function is roughly equivalent to wobble for the FSCAN
and converge 0 0 means wobble 0.
The converge .17% .1 means wobble at .17% of the frequency at an
interval of .1hz. The FSCAN only wobbles with an interval of 1hz so
ignore the .1hz.
Multiply 1662 by .17% = 2.8hz for wobble.
Multiply 2774 by .17% = 4.7hz for wobble.
Multiply 248666 by .17% = 422.7hz for wobble.
It is easy to set up an Excel spreadsheet to do these calculation
automatically.* - Thank you Dr. Jeffery Sutherland
Remember, 1/3 of the globe or the WORLD's CITIZENS has a LATENT form or other tuberculosis!!!
Example??? I have another family member who has it!!! She would leave the pot or pan on the stove, and walk out to feed the cats, and the pan would be ON FIRE when my FATHER would walk in the house!!! She would FORGET many things, have a DIFFICULT TIME sleeping, and disturbed sleep... all symptoms of a TB viral infection going on... She did a radionics saliva test with Dr. Richard Loyd, had a HIGH tb count on the test result, and soon after started treating it. Several weeks later, she exclaimed that she was feeling BETTER than she has in YEARS! But this is not an easy one to "get rid of", and takes a YEAR or SO of DAILY treatment, and is suggested to use antiviral herbals (Loyd may suggest antiviral drops - herbal & radionically charged), and TRANSFER FACTOR
It's also interesting to note that inventor of the ABPA was concerned and focused on the world's top 4 diseases, one of which is TB!!! He stated that if YOU are not personally INFECTED with one, you will be AFFECTED by one!!! If you don't get one yourself (of these top 4) YOU WILL BE "AFFECTED"!!! How? Your wife, girlfriend, sister, brother, mother, father, son, grandparent, etc. WILL. A LOVED ONE WILL BE. So research and development of the ABPA is ongoing, and improving steadily... I can attest that Dr. Sutherland's ABPA transmissions are INCREDIBLY effective in helping me to keep the BORNA VIRUS knocked back or OUT when I pick it up sometimes being out and about (it's like catching a cold).
I think this is an interesting point - the different tools and or approaches to different conditions and viruses or viral infections. I have a lot of respect for Curezone & Tools For Healing, and Doctors/Medical Research Scientists like Dr. Richard Loyd & Dr. Jeffery Sutherland & Dr.
Hulda Clark , because they keep an OPEN MIND, and understand that NONE of us are PERFECT, that we are not GOD, though some folks out there would like to believe they are :))) I can appreciate Dr. Richard Shulze great teaching and commandment to FOLLOW YOUR GUT!!!
WHY??? Because I thought I had it beat... You see, I had been in the hospital 7 times in over 2 years for a sum total of 4 months. I KNEW what I was doing, I cared for the sick, mentally ill, and elderly as a PROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE MANAGER, as an administrative assistant to a nursing care facility for some years (family owned & operated, and I did 90% of all the administration). I was caring for the sick, taking them to doctors, psychiatrists, surgeons, psychologists, dentists, etc. etc. I was RIGHT THERE, in the room... I had to ANSWER TO THE STATE AGENCIES, that's right, more than one, for the MEDICAL CARE of MY RESIDENTS!!! So when I "got sick", and did the standard medical treatments, the drugs, the "medicines", and all that... I went down a VERY long road in a short time... I had BEEN THERE, and DONE THAT a thousand times over with OTHER PEOPLE!!!
I saw the docs, sometimes EVERY DAY (in flu season :)))) I knew their knowledge was "not complete" and that for various reasons from HUMAN error (misunderstandings, etc. MEDICAL DOCTORS IN THE U.S. according to JAMA KILL more people than car accidents and guns combined!!!) to MACHINE ERROR (yes, machines break down, get off calibration, lab people get drunk have hangovers, etc.) that MEDICINE is NOT PERFECT, only TRUE SCIENCE! And what is that??? I think truth to self & others, in the pursuit of knowledge and advancement for the benefit of self and others - and TRUTH in INTENT. Easier said, than "done" :)
"One of the most serious problems now facing the neophyte man is to move more rapidly toward an intelligent open-mindness. This simply means that as our creative imagination permits, we must learn to tolerate ambiguities without anxiety, integrate concepts in our thoughts that are diametrically opposed on the surface, rely as much on intuition as our intellectual analysis validate, investigate, and learn about new and startling discoveries that are relevant to our everyday lives and work. The more we understand the
Science of creative thinking, the more power is granted."
"Humans, and only humans, must realize that a thought is not an independent entity, but an imaged representation of subconscious energies and forces and that NO man is an independent entity unto himself, but a symbolic representation of the cosmic energies and life forces. There are no thoughts, no entities which are either constant or self contained."
"Many thousands of books have already been written, and an equal amount still to be exposed in the literary world, concerning the powers of the mind and its limitations... but few will pinpoint this power as a part of the universal "oneness". It has always bothered me that the greatest gift to man, his greatest powers, still go totally IGNORED. To try and teach the human race there is a Creator, there is harmony and a unity in the universe and there is a higher plane of being after death of physical man." - David H. Lewis "THE UNIVERSAL ONENESS".
I insert this quote to point out that one must approach, as many of you do, these doctors, researchers, and scientists with a "test and see" method, yet a balanced element of healthy skepticism, yet TRUST must exist too... noting that there is nothing perfect, but yet all is, while we strive at the art of perfecting. I am having a battle to adequately express what I am trying to convey today. I suppose it is to say that we are ALL guilty of falling prey to the "cult of the expert" or the trust not in our own intuition, but in someone elses, or worse yet, someone elses professed "expertise" or "knowledge" of which is limitless, and often in the human mind measured only on a peice of paper bought or "awarded" by some government entity or INSTITUTION :))) We are certainly OUR OWN WORSE ENEMIES, and that is our PROGRAMMED way of thinking, and thus crippled approach to SOLVING the issue of ILL HEALTH or diseased conditions. I still struggle with that to this day.
In any case, through a series of trial and error, and yet open mindedness, and falling into the stronger NUDGES (sometimes SHOUTING) of my own GUT & INTUITION, I have come down the path of electromedicine use and self treatment, with some great success, and yet some serious setbacks. Due to interruptions in treatment, (45 days last period)my last radionics saliva test showed a HIGH count of TB, though it is a MORE sensitive test than the one previously (different company, more sensitive test). It also appeared to indicated a brain TUMOR or GROWTH, whereas the previous tests did not or could not (?) pick this up. In either case, I had both already planned, and already own the Beck protocols "equipment" (Silver Pulser, MPG5,
Colloidal Silver generator, WZ04), and I had been planning on implementing these to my electromedicine protocols and tool chest or "arsenal". Dr. Loyd suspects that this brain tumor or growth could indeed be due to the viral TB, as the radionics saliva test (this one more sensitive than the previous ones/new testing company) indicates it's location in the brain.
I am not worried in least. I am confident that with the current regimen of electromedicine protocols, transfer factor, and ongoing testing with Dr. Richard Loyd, and Dr. Jeffery Sutherland, and OVERCOMING the SETBACK of having had all my equipment practically STOLEN or KEPT from me for over 45 days (long story) that in short order, I hope a matter of a few months or less, that I will get a clear test,,, that I will RETEST, and have ELIMINATED this pesky, deadly, problematic little TB virus ;))))
So zapper fans, fellow researchers, docs, friends, and neighbors, a simple zapper will NOT always do the trick in short order... it may take ADJUNCT treatments or protocols, like Transfer Factor, STRONGER DEVICES, like F165 for example (??? more output, more capability, more precision in targeting the pathogen, virus, parasite), or simply MORE WORK.
More later... I can only report in truth that AT THIS TIME, 6 weeks into the Beck protocols, and continuing treatment of TB viral with the FScan (until that F165 power pack arrives so we can PLUG it in over here in Eastern Europe where I am currently at for now), ongoing use of Dr. Sutherland ABPA transimssion service & consult, and the BT6 (a little over 2 weeks use now), I am feeling just fine, clear of mind, and grounded. However, I have to keep a vigilance for borna virus infections, because it has adverse affects on me, and symptomology. We have clearly noted that when I come into CLOSE contact with high numbers of people (like at the city market where it is CROWDED and SUPER dirty - 3rd world conditions, LITERALLY), I often come home after use of public transport in many cases, and demonstrate the effects of this borna virus, I send Dr. Sutherland an email, he tests, and runs the ABPA when he finds the borna virus present, which is often, but NOT always the case.
These things are little known about to the average person, even in this feild. Why? Everyone wants to make a buck or some cash, and has an agenda. Simple. Secondly, it's ONGOING research, and study, and Dr. Sutherland, Dr. Clark, and DR. Loyd, etc. etc. are at the FOREFRONT of this research, and fortunately I am one of the LUCKY one's to own and Fscan to see and scan these results, etc. I am also one of the LUCKY one's to be accepted for consult by the Doc (though I pay him monthly for that consult) and signed research agreements/disclaimers to be a part of that.
In short, I feel these docs do what they can, but they are WAY busy. VERY busy. Who has the time to sit around and write all this up??? :))) I haven't written for some time. I have traveled the world... well... not the world, but some 7 or so countries in a period of a month and half this fall, and so on. So I have lived... I have not cowered in some corner, as I once did, drooling on the floor from an overmedicated state (after all, medicine will work when it tranquilizes you, knocks you out, puts you under a hypnotic placebo effect, etc.) I HAVE LIVED. I have traveled to EXOTIC LOCALS from Kislovordsk Russia, to Kiev Ukraine, to Amsterdam (WAY fun... lot's of great mushrooms and herbal remedies in this fun city) to ROME (I visited the Vatican and witnessed some VERY interesting things, like there Museum of Egyptian relics, etc.) to Auckland New Zealand, etc.
O.k. I have to run... I have to go and do some more living :)))) I'll post more later... Cheers to all of you, and I STRONGLY suggest giving electromedicine & cleansing a try... just don't let anyone "set you up" and steal your equipment. :)))
(it's a problem in some countries... hungry cops you know... or "government").
All the best -
(sorry if this is not clear... I am trying to eat breakfast, do my protocols, and get ready to go out and do some stuff today :)