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Put that in your pipe and zap it! Everyone please Read
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Published: 20 y

Put that in your pipe and zap it! Everyone please Read


Anyone truly concerened about the health of people would not engage in taking shots at others in order to sell a product. Attempting to always belittle every other zapper that is even brought up in discussion is a sad statement. I think its great when a user of a product says "hey this worked for me" but to actually have someone with a finacial intrest in the sale of the product to be attempting to promote their product to sick people is just the same as what the drug companies do, with doctors as their agents usually.

You always say that the parazapper is not the average zapper and I was interested to find out what made it better and I have seen absolutely nothing in the specs. that make it anything more then the average zapper. It has a little more current then some but less then others...the frequencies that they use are widely available among other zappers. In fact there is absolutely nothing that is innovative about the parazapper products except the hype.

There are many excellent zappers that have made their reputation based on effectiveness and not on a sleazy sales pitch. If your zapper can stand on its own reputation then let it do so and don't push its use in every question asked by anyone about anything. I'm not one of these fans of the $10 zapper (in fact i think its a little weak) but it annoys me how parazapper comes on here and attempts to elevate his product above all others and its just sad that he so jealous to see even $10 dollars go to another zapper maker. In fact I applaud the zapperplans people for trying to make zapper that anyone can afford by selling so close to what it cost to make.

When we talk about effectiveness, showing the wave form as evidence of greater effectiveness is meaningless without any real hard data that shows that a particular wave will be that much more effective and we have no such evidence for anyone’s zapper. I'm still waiting for a similar comparison (as was done between the zp zapper and parazapper) between the ultimate zapper(or the terminator, standard clacrk zapper) and parazapper. He was very quick to post the results against the zp zapper, where are the comparisons to the other big boys? Without having made done these comparisons any claims made to be "not just the average zapper" are without any backing.

Testimonials from customers are wonderful but they don't show that any other zapper wouldn't have given them the exact same or better results and are therefore meaningless in a discussion or comparison of effectiveness. If people like their $10 dollar zapper and they are getting the results they desire then let them use it without being harassed (even about the instruction sheet, c'mon) for mentioning it. They are in a different position, they are users NOT the ones who profit financially from its sale.

Any other zapper that is mentioned on this forum is immediately attacked by parazapper as being inferior when many of these products produce the identical output. THERE IS NOTHING IN THE DESIGN OF THE PARAZAPPER THAT PUTS IT ANYWHERE ABOVE THE ORIGINAL CLARK ZAPPER BUILT IN A SHOEBOX! It is based on the same fact there haven't been any significant advances in the zapper since the original design was published. So whether you use the original design or one of the many based on it it really doesn't make much of a difference, none of them are far superior as some would claim. Please don't be taken in by these profiteers, save your money by making your own zapper or buying an affordable one and wait until some actual breakthroughs in the technology are made that move zappers to the next level (the parazapper as it is now has not done this at all).

Parazapper lurks in here and jumps on anyone who asks a question about their serious health issue in order to pounce on them and give them his sales pitch. I don't see Hulda Clark , or Don Croft or anyone else lurking in here trying to push their products, maybe its because they allow their products to stand on there own. I'm seriously waiting for the superbowl commercial this year for the parazapper with Britney spears lol. Anything 2 a make buck.

There are people with serious health problems who come here for the objective help of others, not a sales pitch. Someone needed to finally say what so many are thinking in this forum.


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