23 y
Re: purpose of each gallbladder cleanse ingredient listed here
> Epsom salt:
> To open up the bile ducts.
Thank you for taking your time to share your experience with us.
Epsom Salt and magnsium citrat:
Beside being able to relax tissues and meka them more flexible, allowing bile ducts to open enough to let stones passe,
it ia also primary and secondary cholagogue.
primary cholagogue = substance or herb that stimulates bile production inside liver
secondary cholagogue = substance or herb that stimulates bile excretion from liver and from gallbladder and from bile ducts
Grapefruit juice is also primary and secondary cholagogue.
Liver herbs (like
Wormwood , Sage, Dandelion and Golden Seal ) are also primary and secondary cholagogue
Also, one of the functions of
Epsom Salt (or of mgnsium citrate) is to cause diarrhea and to flush everything out from intestines ...