That's great! :) You've been Zapping for a week now, so your on the right track. There is a point where you will be very mildly toxic vs. very toxic. I have had great success using both Zapping and Kombucha, and I've gotten to where I hardly have to Zap day to day. I've been Zapping to ward off a cold, which I got very mildly and it's almost completely gone in 2 days with no major symptoms (which others have have had with the same cold!) This is a major triumph for me who in the past would have colds very often for very long periods of time. Any how, keep it up, because once your body had rid itself of all infections and starts to repare itself of all those years of infestation, you WILL notice! It's been 4-5 months for me and I've REALLY noticed especially as time goes on.