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Re: Flushing Ascaris...

Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

rabbitears Views: 2,931
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 652,006

Re: Flushing Ascaris...

I have the same problem Ascaris....after doing a lot of research, I plan on using the Homozon to clean those suckers out! Ascaris typically live in the small intestines which is a lot longer than the colon. Colonics and enemas only works on the colon, not the entire tract (colonics can reach part of the large intenstine).

Here's the best price I have been able to find on Homozon -- there are 4 pdf files you can look at. Homozon is an oxygen based producted that works throughout your system, and pulls everything out of the intestines and bowels. Homozon is made in small batches and has been used successfully for more than 100 yrs. in Europe.

NOTE: I have read that it is best to take this product before going to bed, things will clear out in the morning; otherwise, the bathroom will be your friend throughout the day. 




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