hanna, I know it's not extremely simple, but the truth is, most people are not hard nosed about this. I find that most of my friends are willing to try the Zapper when they are sick, even if they don't believe in it. There is no such thing as general public, you can find all kinds of people who will or will not use the Zapper and may or may not be into alternative health. It might just be a matter of people who use the Zapper and have resluts, saying "here, will you try this. It works for me, and it won't cost you anything, and it can't hurt you." etc. Golly, theres got to be at least a hundred out of 200,000 thousand plus! It would be worth helping them. If they need Zappers long term to keep from getting infected, we should be able to supply them. Maybe if it works for enough people they will have every one else use them.