Re: The F-Scan2 - a critical evaluation
Hey Stephen,
You are as obsessive as I am. When I was considering purchasing the FScan I also read every single post on the Fscan board!
Far Infrared Sauna worked wonders for me for detoxing metals. Also used DMSA, Alpha-Lipoic acid and homeopathic detox remedies.
By the way, my second link works, but not in Internet Explorer! FireFox opens it just fine. Go figure… must be a security thingy.
EAV is real simple, it reads conductance – the official definition is that the meter should read 50 with a resistance of 95 kΩ – they typically apply between one and two volts to the electrodes. It is generally considered that the smaller the voltage the better. The ET Screenpen uses no voltage at all. It reads in the nanoampere range!
As time goes by I am thinking that maybe the idea of measuring resonances in the body like the FScan is trying to do may simply not be even reasonable. All the difference tissues and cells have there own resonance frequencies – so how is a device going to isolate out the resonance frequency of say a virus in the system? I also think that a lot of the perceived effect of applying electromagnetic oscillations to the body are due to things like the stimulation of the transmembrane potential and all the receptors that lie imbedded in the cell walls and maybe oscillating a bug to death if you are lucky enough to find the right frequency.
Just some late night rambling…. Dave