Re: Newlypositive is defeating his HIV
The Rockefellers etc. (the medical establishment that is) have NO RIGHT to surpress the truth. They will answer for this atrocity of poisoning millions with senseless drugs in front of their creator. Maybe a trye court of law will also sentence them.
Why is it forbidden to use the word cure in connection with alternative healing modes?!
It's all programming.
We have seen cancers dissapear and healing AIDS is one of the simpler things it seems. Can someone legally ask me not to say what I've seen?
I doubt it! Unles I've signed a non disclosure agreement with them, which I haven't.
We must never forget what is what:
They are the ones that kill millions with ioatrogenic (doctor induced) poisoning.
We are trying to reverse this. I don't know if Dr.
Hulda Clark 's theories are true. I also don't know, if a Zapper will help in all such cases. But what I've seen, I've seen! And that's that people with terrible dread diseases get better when they use a zapper.
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