Make her drink Essiac tea from now on for good while this shouldn't be too hard. Zappers are powerful little tools for healing but we cant expect them to always cure a cancer etc. Its a whole health protocol needed as highlighted by Jon Barron. The body is loaded with chemicals then theres the lack of good bacteria, enyzmes etc. Its a complex process for super health but if you do everything and follow through dont even sweat CANCER because you will NEVER get it! I dont fear ANY cancer and certainly dont feat AIDS and the HIV Hoax!
Good news about your mouth though! If I wasn't using zappers, OZONE and Colloidal Silver my one tooth would have needed surgery but they saved it. It was bad before I started my protocol.
Guess what? They are cutting down more trees here. Everyone complains of lack of Oxygen and pollution so HEY cut down some trees! DUMB AS*ES!! Thats what you get living in a city grrrrr