hi well...
canola oil is man made ansd extrmemly toxic so fir stof fyounee do tconsider a different oil/ second/ i my self don't use any sort of dai ry product so i woudl probalby fidn a substitute for that also..
what will yoube usign teh cips for? is a good question so oyout an idea what flavor might go well with your plans inselecting
the oil and also perhaps an extra flavoe enhancer 8)
liek peppermint extract or spearmint/ o r evne make up a globby
thick paste form dried appricots.. etc and then coa tthem with
a carob glaze and freeze tehm a few til firm then put in fridge.. as a sweet snack etc/ evne over bananas slices in freezer and jstu grab oen when youahve a sweet treat urge.
youhav eused stevia before right? so you knwo how SWEET it can be 8) you rally don't needmuch of it 8)
i woudl do a onlien search for vegan recipes tthnen narro wit down teh carob chips..
i will look also if see sowmthing i can think of alteranticcve subs i will post back 8)