Arthirtis, Krones and hip replacement. Which machines?
I have three family and friends that really need help. I can't run a DIRP on them as they are far away from me.
I am suggesting the Bob Beck Protocol. But zapper of frequency generator?
1. For
Arthritis would the T2 work?
2. For Krones in the intestines the T2 wouldn't work would it? Any machine that would?
3. This one is tough. Hip replacement surgery. A metal rod was inserted to replace the broken bone and all seemed fine for 4 months. This metal rod is inserted into a hole made in the thigh bone to lock it in place. Unfortunately bacteria entered this hole and started eating away at the bone from the inside. Therefore the pin has become loose and won't hold for walking. Surger was done to take the pin out and clean the site but the surgeon decided to wait to replace the new rod until after a long course of broad band
Antibiotics was taken to ensure no infection was left. The third surgery takes place in 3 weeks and there is a real chance of infection again. This means the difference between walking and not in a middle aged man. Surgery can not be avoided now.
He is using my T2 now. Is it safe with metal inside you? Can it reach inside the bone? After surgery should he use the T2? Frequency generator etc?
Thanks guys I need help here. Any info found will be helpful