I dont use the succor punch as such because I have a 2nd generation succor punch called The Powerwand! The Succor Punch is just the Quartz crystal with mobius coil wrapped round it, plugged into a 15hz square wave 9V power supply. It produces scalar waves into the crystal which allows for the amazing effects to happen. The Powerwand is all this but encased in ORgone matrix with many crystals and a big copper pipe. It takes time to get to be able to use the device properly and sitting with it on your body relaxing can charge your entire body quickly with ORgone. I need to work with my PW again, I've been slacking! But be warned when you use this stuff, strange things can occur and your life can change in my ways and follow different guidance paths. If your open to controllers then you can disconnect from them and they get rather annoyed and try to make bad things happen to you as a sort of revenge. You can disconnect entities which attach to your Chakra's quite easy. A really good tool for this is sold at CBSwork's website called an Etheric Laser Wand, go see my link provided. I suggest you get at least one HHG for your home and then upgrade to a Succor or Powerwand. You need to let OR enter your dwelling and body for a while then you should be able to use the higher equipment more easier.
Glad to see you've got your T2 zapper! Now make sure you dont have it too tight on the body otherwise you might get burns. If it tingles then move it around the body or around the area. Use it for a MINIMUM 1 hour a day, if you can do the 24hrs for a month then thats even better.
Happy LIVING and good to see your interest in the amazing ORgone thanks to Don Croft, William Reich and especially MARK HOOTEN.