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Giz and annunaki
Celan Views: 1,338
Published: 21 y

Giz and annunaki

thanks guys for the wonderful advice. My problem is digestive trouble (since 2000). I only partially digest food, and I have bacterial overgrowth in my stomach (according to a lab in Washington that I sent a sample to). When I fast, the pain intensifies (maybe because the bacteria are feeding on me and not me food during these times). I also have a few pathogens in me that will eventually take there toll on me. Finally maybe all of this undigested food is getting in my bloodstream because I sometimes have sharp head pains and fatigue. I have done every single one of the cleanses and my problem persist (not nearly as bad though). I have a budget of about $1,500. How would you guys recommend that I spend this.

P.S. why a probiotic during zapping phases (wouldn't that make zapping the same as using Antibiotics ?)

P.P.S. are there any negative effects associated with chelation?


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